He Stopped Because of Her

Sang Qianqian stood up agitatedly and asked Shen Hanyu why he was doing this to the Sang family.

At that time, she was extremely sorrowful and felt that her breath was stuck in her chest. She couldn't breathe and actually fainted.

As her consciousness blurred, she felt as if she had fallen into a strong and firm embrace. When she woke up, she was in the Sang family villa, in her bedroom.

Shen Hanyu had already left.

Sang Qianqian forced herself to focus on burying her father. After dismissing all the servants including Uncle Zhong, she began to clean up the aftermath.

However, she couldn't find her brother Sang Minglang. Such a big thing had happened to the Sang family, but her brother seemed to have disappeared.

After asking around, she finally found out that her brother had gone to look for Shen Hanyu on the night he went missing.