Let’s Stop Here

That night, Shen Hanyu drank a lot and was quite drunk. But it wasn't to the extent of not knowing what he was doing.

Other than being tipsy, perhaps, there were other indescribable feelings.

Ever since he and Sang Qianqian started living together, she behaved as good as she could to him. She was quiet and docile around him.

Shen Hanyu knew that she didn't know how to cook in the beginning. She wasn't even familiar with washing and cutting vegetables.

Every time she cooked, she would follow videos on the internet and patiently follow the instructions step-by-step. Whenever she finished cooking, she would always have to add more bandages to her fingers.

She had once been pampered by her family, and her fingers had never been sullied by housework. But now, she was always busy in the kitchen after work.