I Just Want to Hug You

Sang Qianqian's body stiffened slightly. A few seconds later, her lips curled up and she revealed a smile.

"You just told me not to overthink things, but who's the one overthinking now?"

She leaned over slightly and met his eyes. Her eyes were like clear glass, reflecting his appearance.

The girl sighed and held his face with her soft hands. "Hanyu, don't think about such nonsense. Worry about your injuries."

Shen Hanyu's Adam's apple bobbed. "Qianqian…"

Sang Qianqian did not wait for him to continue. She leaned into his ear and whispered something in a very, very soft voice.

Then, she turned around, and ran away with a red face.

Shen Hanyu was stunned. After a long time, he touched his ear gently where her breath had brushed past.

She seemed to have said, "After all, we can only consummate our marriage after you've recovered."

He didn't hear wrong, did he?

Perhaps it was because he had never been in love before.