Nothing Could Be Predicted

The next moment, he walked over with an excited expression. "Qianqian, what are you doing here?"

"She's a new member of our department."

Department Director Miao smiled and looked at them. Do you two know each other?"

Sang Qianqian nodded her head and looked at Xie Shi'an indifferently. "I still have things to do now. Let's talk again when we have time."

Xie Shi'an mumbled, "Are you free at noon? I'll treat you to a meal?"

Sang Qianqian did not reject him. "Alright."

It just so happened that she had to return the two checks to him.

In the afternoon, in a restaurant near the hospital, Sang Qianqian and Xie Shi'an sat opposite each other.

Xie Shi'an felt an indescribable feeling and was extremely excited.

He had thought that after the shooting, Sang Qianqian would never forgive him and would never talk to him again. He didn't expect her to be willing to sit and eat with him.