The Truth She Discovered

When Sang Qianqian and her brother returned home, Shen Hanyu's car had also arrived at the courtyard next door.

Fang Lan did not come with him this time.

He was very clear-headed at the moment. He glanced at Sang Qianqian from a distance, turned around, and entered the house with an indifferent expression.

It was as if his excessive actions after getting drunk last night had never happened.

Sang Qianqian was also speechless. She could only pretend that nothing had happened that night.

Sang Minglang sent her back and then drove out to accompany Ruan Xiaoshuang.

Sang Qianqian returned to her room, saved a video on her computer, and watched it over and over again.

What was recorded in the video was the questions she had asked when she hypnotized Xie Shi'an last night.

At first, she had asked Xie Shi'an why he liked her, but it was just an emotional foreshadowing.

The questions she really wanted to ask were at the back.