Whether It’s Worth It or Not Isn’t up to You

Xie Shi'an looked haggard, as if he hadn't slept well for a while. "Qianqian, I have something to tell you."

Sang Qianqian followed him to a place where no one was around. "What is it?"

Xie Shi'an was in a daze for a long time before he said in a low voice, "Qianqian, you should give me that video. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome."

Sang Qianqian stared at him for a moment before her lips curled up. "What video? Shi'an, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Xie Shi'an looked at her with a complicated expression. "Qianqian, Ruan Cheng knows what you asked when you hypnotized me. He installed a camera on my watch, and I… Only now did I just know."

Sang Qianqian's eyes narrowed, but after a moment, she calmed down. "So what happened yesterday morning wasn't an accident? If you hadn't appeared at that time, would I have been dead by now?"