I Only Like You

Aunt Zhao heard the noise and came out of the kitchen. When she saw the two hugging and kissing at the door, she hurriedly turned her head and went back into the kitchen.

After a while, they disappeared from the door.

Aunt Zhao smiled and shook her head. Shen Hanyu was a young man after all.

A long absence would naturally make the heart fonder.

Outside the window, the rain was still pouring, the raindrops continuously hitting the window.

Upstairs, in Sang Qianqian's bedroom.

The soft bed caved in, and Shen Hanyu's arms were on either side of Sang Qianqian, his hot breath blowing on her face.

His kiss was very light at first, but it became heavier and heavier.

Sang Qianqian could not help but let out a soft groan. her soft and delicate voice seemed to have broken some kind of seal.

The desire in the man's dark eyes, which had been suppressed for a long time, went completely out of control.