So, Are You Going to Kill Me?

The wedding of the century was held in the capital's most famous and extravagant manor.

On both sides of the red carpet, a dense crowd of reporters gathered.

Almost all the important people in the capital attended the banquet. There were many guests in the manor, and laughter could be heard faintly.

Sang Qianqian stood by the window and looked at the media and guests for a long time.

Then, she turned around and opened the door.

As expected, there were two men standing guard outside the door.

"I want to see Xie Shi'an," Sang Qianqian said.

The men were stunned. "Young Master An is entertaining the guests with Master Cheng. It's not time for the ceremony yet…"

According to customs, the bride should stay in the room and wait.

Sang Qianqian repeated. "I want to see Xie Shi'an. Please help me call him over."