Hanyu, Is That You?

After a long time, Sang Qianqian still did not receive a reply.

Just as she was hesitating and feeling uneasy, his cold and strong fingers suddenly pinched her chin and lifted it up.

The next moment, the man's lips landed on hers.

As if something had exploded in Sang Qianqian's mind, she subconsciously struggled. However, he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms.

Her hands were tied up, so she couldn't move at all, allowing the other party to do whatever he wanted.

The initial shock and anger were quickly replaced by a familiar and indescribable feeling.

Sang Qianqian was stunned. This feeling was too unforgettable and she would never be wrong.

It was Shen Hanyu. Was she dreaming? or was he really back?

Tears instantly filled her eyes as Sang Qianqian raised her head to respond to him, sinking into the kiss.

She had thought that they were separated, but who knew that they would meet again.