I’m Only Willing to Fall in Love With One Person in My Life

Half an hour later.

Sang Qianqian washed a few teacups and sat by the tea table in front of the window. She began making a pot of tea.

Her brows were light and calm, her movements were calm and elegant. Beside her was the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, which looked like a beautiful picture.

When the tea was ready, the whole room was filled with a refreshing fragrance.

"I heard from Shi'an that you love to drink tea."

Sang Qianqian placed a cup of tea in front of Ruan Cheng. "Take this cup of tea as my thanks for waiting half an hour."

Ruan Cheng glanced at the cup of tea with a cold expression and did not say anything.

"In the past, I didn't like to drink tea. However, a few months ago, I was trapped in this small courtyard alone. I was extremely bored, so I tried to make and drink tea by myself. Afterward, I suddenly realized that this tea is just like a person waiting for another person to understand them."