I Don’t Care

Shen Hanyu walked over and held the old lady's hand, comforting her silently.

Old Lady Zhen's eyes were red. "So, is this why you're so insistent on not taking over the Zhen family's business?"

"I don't want to disappoint Grandmother," Shen Hanyu said gently.

Because even if he took over, it was destined that he would not be able to do it for long.

"But I'm more than just disappointed."

Old Lady Zhen looked at Shen Hanyu with tears in her eyes. "I thought God sent you back to the Zhen family because he pitied me for missing my daughter for so many years and that the Zhen family had no successor. Who would have thought that even having you by my side was an extravagant hope..."

"I still have a lot of time to spend with you."

Shen Hanyu's voice was calm, as if he was talking about someone else's life. "Grandmother, don't be sad."

How could Old Lady Zhen not be sad?

No one knew how happy she was to be reunited with Shen Hanyu.