No Room for Discussion

When they arrived at their destination, Sang Qianqian did not care about jet lag after a simple rest and headed straight for the place she wanted to go.

The weather here was much colder than in Yuecheng. The streets were cold, and the pedestrians were shuddering in the wind, walking with their heads lowered.

Sang Qianqian had yet to get out of the taxi when she saw a vaguely familiar figure standing in front of the grayish-red building in the distance. She was slightly stunned.

The door of the small building opened just at this moment, and a rough and impatient voice came from inside,

"You again? I've told you before, if you're sick, go to the hospital and find a doctor. I'm in research and I've retired decades ago! I can't treat you, so don't bother me. Take all your things and don't come looking for me again!"

Bang! The door slammed shut, and many gift boxes were thrown out. They fell down the steps and scattered on the ground.