I’m So Pitiful(2)

She must have spent the night at a male partner's house.

Xie Shi'an advised Sang Qianqian to return to the hotel to rest. "Even if Caroline doesn't go home, she still has to go to work. We'll look for her at her workplace later, I'm sure we'll find her."

Sang Qianqian was sleepy, tired, and hungry. She couldn't take it anymore, so she went back to the hotel to rest for a few hours.

After having a simple meal, they went to the supermarket where Caroline was working.

It turned out they were too optimistic. Caroline didn't go to work at all, and her phone was turned off.

The manager of the supermarket thought that Sang Qianqian was Caroline's friend and angrily told her that Caroline had been fired and did not need to come to work anymore.

Helplessly, they once again returned to Caroline's residence.

Fortunately, the management of the apartment said that Caroline's house had not been canceled, and the rent had been paid half a year later.