His Gift(2)

When Fang Lan arrived at Shen Hanyu's room, she saw that he was looking at his computer, searching for the address of a photo.

In the photo, there was a Christmas tree with colorful lights on. The ground was covered with snow, and there seemed to be an apartment building next to it.

Due to the lack of light, the name of the apartment building was a little difficult to distinguish. He could only see the first three or four letters.

Around the apartment building, the vague outline of the buildings could be seen. They looked European-styled.

There weren't many clues in the photo, and it would take a lot of effort to find the specific city and location with this map.

However, Shen Hanyu was a genius on the internet. He searched the internet at a speed that Fang Lan could not imagine.

He had already found the country and city that the map was in and was getting the specific information about the apartment building.