
When she pushed open the door of the bar, ear-splitting music came from inside, and an unpleasant smell assailed her nose.

Sang Qianqian merely took a glance inside and felt a strong sense of discomfort.

It wasn't that she had never been to a bar before, but it was definitely the first time she had been to such a chaotic bar.

On the crowded dance floor, it was as if a group of demons were dancing wildly. Fluorescent lights kept sweeping back and forth, illuminating the faces with madness. It was so strange that it was terrifying.

Sang Qianqian, who was about to enter, stopped in her tracks.

"Young Miss, Caroline is over there."

The bodyguard beside her noticed Caroline and pointed her out to Sang Qianqian.

He saw Caroline sitting near the bar, holding a glass of wine and drinking it. Beside her was a vulgar-looking man.