I Think We Should Both Calm Down

Sang Qianqian subconsciously wanted to pull her hand back. She used a little strength, but she couldn't move it at all.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Su Yuan was shocked. "Let go of her, or I'll have to call security."

Shen Hanyu didn't even look at him. His face was dark and he didn't say a word.

Sang Qianqian said helplessly, "I'm fine. Su Yuan, you can go first. I'll come back after I have a few words with him."

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment before he understood who Sang Qianqian was referring to.

Seeing that Sang Qianqian was still calm despite being held by the man, and that Shen Hanyu only had eyes for Sang Qianqian and no one else, Su Yuan understood something.

"Then be careful." Su Yuan was worried and reminded her, "Call me if there's anything."

Sang Qianqian nodded her head.