Because I Was There Too

It was only after they parted ways that Sang Qianqian and Shen Hanyu got into the car.

Shen Hanyu was still holding her hand. He didn't say a word and just stared at her.

Only then did Sang Qianqian realize that he was acting strange. He seemed to be really drunk.

There were so many people taking turns toasting just now. Li Zhongjin even came up with all kinds of toasts. He said it was a toast for an apology, a congratulations, and a toast for his absence from their wedding. So now he had to make up for it with three big toasts to the couple...

Under the table, Sang Qianqian quietly pulled on Shen Hanyu's hand to stop him from drinking. However, he replied, "It's a rare occasion for me to be happy today. It's fine."

Well, when she saw how he didn't reject anyone and looked indifferent, she thought that he could hold a thousand glasses of alcohol and not get drunk. In the end, he still got drunk.

"We'll be home in half an hour."