I Can Give You Whatever You Want by Today, so Why Should I Wait Until Tomorrow?

After the old lady left, the air in the living room seemed to have dropped to freezing point.

The atmosphere was a little too depressing, making Sang Qianqian let out a soft sigh.

Even she, an outsider, was dumbfounded by the scene just now and was on tenterhooks.

She had heard Old Lady Zhen say that Zhen Zhu was rebellious, but she had finally seen it with her own eyes today.

Her brother had also been rebellious back then, but he didn't dare to act as recklessly as Zhen Zhu did. This was no longer rebellion, but disobedience.

Every family had their own problems. Outsiders might've known how grand and powerful the Zhen family was, but they wouldn't be aware of the problems within the family.

"I don't care about what you said to Zhen Yiping,"

Zhen Zhu broke the silence and stared at Shen Hanyu with her smoky eyes. "The Zhen family can't meddle in my business, so you'd better not meddle in it as well."