TheHitting an Iron Plate

Shen Hanyu's eyes turned cold. "I'm going to the western suburbs. I have something to deal with."

He didn't say what it was, so Sang Qianqian didn't probe further.

She had to admit that Shen Hanyu had been very busy ever since he started working at the Zhen family's corporation.

Leaving early and returning late, he had too many things to do.

However, he had just arrived and there were many things he needed to familiarize himself with. It was impossible to avoid being busy, and Sang Qianqian could understand that.

As she still had to go to work the next day, Sang Qianqian did not dare to stay too late. Before 10 am, she bid Fang Lan goodbye and decided to go home.

Shen Hanyu must have told Guo Muyang about this. As soon as she stood up, Guo Muyang stood up as well. "I'll send you home."

Guo Muyang had stayed in the small courtyard next door for the night and went to the hotel this morning.