Her Longing Is Everywhere

She didn't tell Song Yu her identity, but gave him a fake name.

It was only because she wanted to cut off all ties with the past.

She was also afraid to return to the Ruan family and face everything that had happened.

That was why when she saw Sang Qianqian, she had an inexplicable thought. She was not willing to admit that she was Ruan Xiaoshuang.

Even if Sang Qianqian insisted on treating her eyes, she was still unwilling to accept it.

However, Song Yu's insistence made her change her mind.

Song Yu was willing to give up his studio and his current life for her, and was willing to move to another city with her.

He was willing to sacrifice for her, but Ruan Xiaoshuang couldn't bear it. Moreover, she didn't want to become a burden to him in the future because of her eyes.

That was why she had come to see Sang Qianqian to reveal her identity as Ruan Xiaoshuang and accept her past.