Why Wouldn't I Come Back?

From afar, she could see the lights in the small studio.

The car stopped by the side of the road and Sang Qianqian quickly got out. Just as she was about to push open the glass door, she was slightly taken aback.

In the studio, Ruan Xiaoshuang and Song Yu were sitting and standing respectively. Beside Song Yu was a middle-aged man who looked rather down and out.

The man's hair seemed to have not been trimmed for a long time, like a mess of grass. His gray coat also seemed to have not been washed for a long time, with many dark stains on it.

At this moment, he was talking, and his voice could be heard clearly through the half-closed glass door.

"You're getting married, so you have to meet the elders. Even if the elders of the Ruan family are gone, you still have relatives, right? You can bring Ah Yu to meet them, right?"