How Are You Planning to Return the Favor?

Sang Qianqian stopped in her tracks subconsciously. On the other hand, Ruan Xiaoshuang didn't seem to notice yet.

"Qianqian, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing."

Sang Qianqian coughed. "Oh, right. I forgot that Hanyu won't be the only one having dinner with us."

"Is the friend who is talking to President Shen here?"

Ruan Xiaoshuang was a little uneasy. "Will I affect them if I go over?"

"I won't. Only they can affect us."

Sang Qianqian glared at Shen Hanyu and silently expressed her reproach. Why did he call her brother and other people for dinner?

Shen Hanyu stood up and pulled out a chair for them. He explained with a smile, "I happened to run into your brother after the call."

Sang Qianqian's gaze swept over Sang Minglang and the woman beside him, and she could almost guess who this woman was.