Just a Coincidence?

The car was going very fast. The city's neon lights gradually faded away, and the night became darker.

In the night sky far away, there were clusters of red, mixed with the sharp cries of fire engines.

Sang Qianqian was slightly shocked. Was there a fire somewhere?

Looking at the fire, it wasn't a small one. It took up half the sky.

"Jian Zheng, do you see that?"

Sang Qianqian leaned forward slightly. "Can you tell where that's coming from?"

She wasn't familiar with the suburbs, and she had no sense of direction at night.

"Yes, I can." Jian Zheng said in a deep voice, "That's from a hospital."

His foot on the accelerator seemed to have hit the bottom of the pedal. The sound of the engine was like a low thunder in the night, shaking Sang Qianqian's heart a little.