Rules Aren’t Set in Stone

Shen Hanyu's lips curled into an imperceptible smile. "Alright."

A few minutes later, Sang Qianqian brought Shen Hanyu to the hospital cafeteria.

It was already past mealtime, so there weren't many people around. Although the conditions there weren't very good, it was still clean and simple.

The food was incomparable to the food at home, but Shen Hanyu wasn't a picky person. He did not care what he ate when he was with Sang Qianqian.

He didn't even eat much. He said he was hungry mainly because he wanted her to come and eat with him.

On the other hand, Sang Qianqian did not see through his little trick. When she saw that Shen Hanyu had only eaten a little and then stopped eating, she thought that the food in the canteen was not to his liking. Call Auntie Zhao on your way home and ask her to make you something. After you eat, go to sleep."