Am I Scary?

This manor belonged to the Xie family and was not open to the public.

Xie Shi'an wanted to give Ruan Xiaoshuang a perfect wedding as much as possible, so he specially chose this European-style manor as the wedding venue.

Walking through the gate, it was as if they had travelled through a garden. The Roman columns were retro, the wishing well was elegant, and the crystal curtains were slowly rotating. Along the way, blooming flowers in various colors decorated the surroundings. The venue was extravagant, adorned with an exquisite and dreamy atmosphere. There wasn't a single flaw in sight.

Although Sang Qianqian had already seen the venue once before, she was still slightly shocked when she saw the view with all the lights on.

As for the guests who had just arrived, they felt as if they were in a dream. Their eyes were filled with shock and admiration.

It was obvious that Xie Shi'an had put in a lot of effort for this wedding ceremony.