I Won’t Be a Canary

"We're planning for a baby, aren't we?"

Shen Hanyu said, "Your work is too tiring and dangerous. Why don't you resign and stay at home to prepare for pregnancy? When the Zhen family's matters are sorted out, we'll go home to Ming City together."

"Just let nature take its course when I get pregnant. How can you tell me to resign just over that?"

Sang Qianqian disagreed. "Besides, my job may be a little tiring, but it's really not dangerous."

Shen Hanyu said in a low voice, "Something almost happened to you today. Isn't that considered dangerous?"

Although Sang Qianqian had said it casually just now, it was obvious how critical the situation was.

"Today was just a special situation. Moreover, Song Guanhua has already been arrested by the police."

Sang Qianqian pursed her lips and smiled. "If it really was as dangerous as you said, then it would be safest for me to stay at home and not go anywhere."