The Picture Album

This topic was too heavy, and Sang Qianqian didn't know how to respond.

Old Lady Zhen was depressed for a while before she muttered, "There's no need for the birthday banquet to be too ostentatious or too deliberate. It's fine as long as the family is around and high-spirited. Qianqian, help me come up with some ideas and discuss with Hanyu how the banquet can go smoothly."

She sighed a little. "I'm old and out of touch with society. Compared to an old antique like me, Yiping would definitely be able to accept it if you and Hanyu helped arrange things."

"Yes, no problem." Sang Qianqian quickly nodded.

The old lady looked at Zhen Zhu, who had her head lowered and was silent, and said in a pleading tone, "Zhuzhu, can you please go to the banquet for Grandma's sake? No matter how bad he was, he's still your father… Right now, he's in a special case. If you are willing to celebrate his birthday, he will definitely be happy."