Not Looking Good

Sang Qianqian looked at Sang Minglang who was wrapped up like a mummy, not knowing what to feel.

"Brother, I really don't understand you anymore."

"I don't need you to understand what I do."

Lying on the bed with such injuries, Sang Minglang was in a good mood. "Just take care of yourself. Didn't Hanyu ask you to resign and stay at home to recuperate? Why didn't you go to sleep at this time of the night and come to the hospital? I won't die from this injury. Now go back quickly."

Sang Minglang knew she had resigned from her job. However, Sang Qianqian had only found out about her pregnancy tonight and hadn't told anyone about it.

She was hesitating whether she should tell her brother when she heard hurried footsteps behind her. "Minglang,"

It was her brother's girlfriend, Zhang Xue.

This was Sang Qianqian's second time meeting Zhang Xue after Sang Minglang had first introduced her.