I Didn’t Think It Would End So Quickly

Sang Qianqian stood not far away and saw clearly that not long after Ruan Xiaoshuang went in, Zhang Xue returned.

The girl stood at the door as if contemplating going in, but she didn't.

Sang Qianqian didn't know what Zhang Xue had heard inside, but she suddenly turned around with a pale face and bumped into a nurse who was pushing a medical cart.

The nurse's footsteps were hurried and her speed was a little fast. Zhang Xue had crashed into the cart, and it seemed that the impact was not light.

At this moment, Sang Qianqian could no longer hide. She quickly walked over to support Zhang Xue, "Are you alright?"

Zhang Xue shook her head. "I'm fine."

Ruan Xiaoshuang also came out. She naturally recognized Zhang Xue. "Miss Zhang."

As if afraid that Zhang Xue would misunderstand, she explained, "Mr. Sang risked his life to save me tonight. I was worried, so I came to see how he was doing. Miss Zhang, don't think too much about it."