Replacing It

Zhen Yiping did not expect that Shen Hanyu would be able to find the evidence and restore the truth after more than ten years.

He already knew the truth, but because he wanted to see what Shen Hanyu had brought back, he asked Tang Bochuan to bring over a laptop and intended to take a quick look.

However, when he took a look, his face was like a lantern, alternating between green and black. In the end, it was pale and devoid of blood. It was as if he could not withstand the pressure of some kind of emotion. He closed his eyes and leaned against the headboard, panting heavily.

Although Tang Bochuan knew that he had brought back the truth behind everything, he had never seen the contents inside the hard drive.

Seeing Zhen Yiping like this, he was shocked and hurriedly went out to call the doctor.

However, Zhen Yiping weakly made a gesture to stop him. "It's alright. I'll gradually recover."