It’s Decided

Ruan Xiaodie's expression was still cold and she did not say a word.

"Let's not even talk about what you did before. Just the fact that you instigated Zhen Chongming to kidnap Zhen Zhu is enough for you to go to jail."

Sang Qianqian was still trying to use emotions to convince her. "Tell me where Zhen Zhu is and I can guarantee that you won't be held accountable. Otherwise, when the police get involved, many things will be out of our control. Xiaodie, you wouldn't let Sister Xiaoshuang down, right?"

She looked at Ruan Xiaodie and whispered, "You're still so young. You have a long life ahead of you. Think about it. If Shao Jin was still alive, would he be willing to see you become like this?"

Every time she heard Shao Jin's name, Ruan Xiaodie's expression stiffened, but she finally opened her mouth. "You're not him. How do you know what he's thinking?"

"Two days after the accident, he came to look for me."