We’re Not Acting

Not long after Shen Hanyu's car left.

In the small courtyard next door, behind the curtains, Yin Shuhui sighed softly. "Qianqian, is it really appropriate for you to do this?"

Sang Qianqian's eyes were calm. "I don't have a choice."

The small courtyard next door used to be Shen Hanyu's residence.

However, ever since Yin Shuhui was harassed by her brother in the capital, Sang Qianqian brought her here and she had been living in this courtyard ever since.

Since then, Shen Hanyu had never stepped into this place again.

Ruan Xiaodie wanted her to break up with Shen Hanyu, but Sang Qianqian knew that no matter where she hid, Shen Hanyu would find her.

However, this was the only exception. The surveillance cameras here broke down half a month ago.

Thus, Shen Hanyu wouldn't be able to find any images of her entering the place.