Ignore Him

Shen Hanyu couldn't find Sang Qianqian, but Sang Qianqian heard about him from Yin Shuhui.

"He came to the hospital today to ask Director Miao about your whereabouts."

"My colleagues at the headquarters in Yuecheng also asked me secretly. They said that they saw President Shen at the hospital. He went to Yuecheng to look for you, right?"

"Xiaoshuang also called me and asked what happened between the two of you. She said that he was like a madman, looking around for you everywhere..."

Even Xie Shi'an called Sang Qianqian and told her that Shen Hanyu had gone abroad to look for her. He went to the place she studied at and the place she stayed in during the time she asked Professor Fu'er for help.

He even went to look for his ex-wife, Caroline.

Shen Hanyu had gone to all the places where she might appear and all the people she knew, but he found nothing.