Banquet (2)

The charity dinner was held at the most luxurious hotel in the capital, the Yi Palace.

In front of the hotel entrance, there was a red carpet hundreds of feet long lined with fresh flowers on both sides. Media reporters and countless cameras surrounded the two sides.

Celebrities from all walks of life walked down the carpet. From time to time, they would stop in their tracks at the media's request to show a decent smile so that they could get their photos taken.

Outside the crowd, the Xie family's car slowly stopped.

Xie Shi'an didn't get out of the car and turned to look at Sang Qianqian. Compared to usual, she was dressed up today.

Her long hair was tied up, and she had light makeup on her face. Her face was beautiful, but her expression could almost be said to be dull, even empty.

He was even looking forward to appearing in front of the media with her. However, seeing her like this, he still couldn't bear it.