She Came to You?

After the funeral ended, the media and guests left one after another. The previously crowded cemetery became quiet again.

A black car stopped silently at its entrance, and two people got out. It was Xie Shi'an and Sang Qianqian, who was pregnant.

Sang Qianqian was holding a bouquet of white daisy flowers in her hands. With her status, she shouldn't have come today. However, how could she not?

Before the two of them reached Zhen Yiping's grave, they heard suppressed sobbing. Sang Qianqian looked over and saw Tang Bochuan and Zhen Zhu. The two hadn't left the venue yet.

In front of everyone, Zhen Zhu was very calm and composed, as if she did not care about Zhen Yiping's death.

However, behind her, she was crying so hard that she could not make a sound. All the emotions that she had suppressed and restrained were like water coming out of a broken dam, pouring out violently.

Tang Bochuan hugged Zhen Zhu and comforted her in a low voice.