Endless Beauty

A sharp pain that she had never felt before suddenly came from her spine, causing Sang Qianqian to shiver. Someone was talking in a low voice. The voice seemed to come from a very distant place, and it was impossible to hear what they were talking about. 

She tried her best to open her eyes. Her lower limbs were extremely stiff, making her unable to move. The surgical light above her head was dazzling, and Sang Qianqian felt dizzy. She subconsciously wanted to raise her hand to block the light.

Someone immediately held her wrist, saying, "Don't move. You're in the middle of surgery," came an unfamiliar but gentle voice. "Your baby will be out soon."

As if to confirm her words, the next second, a baby's cry broke the silence in the operating room. 

"It's a boy. He's very beautiful."

"Do you want to see him?" the doctor asked with a smile.