Who Is This Divine Being?

Xie Shi'an's face turned pale. His lips moved, but in the end, he could not say a word. Sang Qianqian had indeed denied that she went to look for him that night, but he refused to believe it at that time because he did not think that his memory would be wrong. 

Indeed, she had never said that the child was his. He had been too sentimental, thinking that Sang Qianqian had really broken up with Shen Hanyu and that the child was his flesh and blood.

Even though he knew that many things weren't right, even though Sang Qianqian's words and actions often had deeper meanings, he had never thought about it deeply and was unwilling to ask. From the beginning until now, he had been deceiving himself and immersing himself in the beauty of his own creation. He was eagerly looking forward to the birth of this child, hoping that he could really form a family with Sang Qianqian.