Heavy Snow, Returning (7)

Zhang Xue entered the security checkpoint in a daze, feeling like she was dreaming.

How could Sang Minglang possibly take the initiative to say those words to her?

She turned around and saw him still standing behind the crowd, smiling slightly as he looked at her.

She boarded the plane but still felt that it was unrealistic.

However, she remembered every word he said at the security checkpoint clearly and could almost repeat them.

The plane was about to take off. She mustered her courage to send Sang Minglang a message before turning off her phone.

[Are you being serious?]

The two-hour journey was both long and short for her.

When the plane landed, she eagerly turned on her phone, wanting to see his reply.

She was both afraid and expectant. She hoped that what he said was true, but she was even more afraid that he would not reply. She was afraid that he was only joking with her.