Heavy Snow, Returning (17)

Sang Qianqian watched the interaction between the father and son. She felt gratified, but at the same time, she was worried.

She couldn't bear to interrupt, but she had to.

"It's time for Zhiyue to take a nap."

Sang Qianqian gestured for Shen Hanyu to hand the child over to the nanny to coax him to sleep.

For the first time, Shen Hanyu felt reluctant to part with someone other than Sang Qianqian.

"How long will he sleep?"

"I can't say for sure. It might be an hour, two hours, or even longer."

Seeing Shen Hanyu's reluctant look, she felt sad. She comforted him, "You'll have plenty of time to spend with Zhiyue in the future. For now, let's go to the hospital and get you a full checkup."

Shen Hanyu was speechless.

She saw that he was not moving and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I just met you and our child today. Can't we do that tomorrow?"