You've Grown Some Skills

[By the way, Songsong, do you know how to livestream makeup? I feel sad when I don't get to watch your live broadcast even for a day.]

"If the Festival Group allows it, we will."

After all, this wasn't her livestream, and Song Jing couldn't start a livestream of her own without the Festival Group's permission.

[I have a bold suggestion. I hope that the next task will be for the mothers to show off their skills.]

[Songsong can show off her makeup.]

[Don't say that. Other than Lin Wan, everyone else has skills.]

[I really want to see how Lin Wan looks when she can't even Photoshop it.]

[Songsong, was Lin Wan like this when she was in high school?]

"I'm sorry everyone, but we'll have to eat first." Song Jing saw the bullet comments getting curious about Lin Wan and quickly made an excuse to leave.

[Is Song Jing avoiding the topic of Lin Wan on purpose?]