You Only Need to Show Your Face

The livestreaming rooms of the five families had closed and they had entered their break time.

Li Yanchen did not know that Lin Wan and his youngest son were talking. He thought that Lin Wan had fallen asleep. In order not to disturb the rest in the house, Li Yanchen occupied the lounge chair in the courtyard.

He was glad the broadcast was closed for now. He had some things to take care of. A message was in his mailbox from Lu Yao.

Li Yanchen had seen some photo albums that Lin Dalu had left behind. It had photos of him, his wife, and his daughter, Lin Wan. He noticed that high school had been the dividing line in Lin Wan's life. She appeared very happy and full of joy before high school. But all her photos taken in and after high school were all bleak. She never smiled, always wore a hat to hide her face with the brim.