Yeah, You're the Best

"Brother Li Zexuan!" Anan carried her violin and appeared in the Li family's courtyard again. "You said you'd give me your autograph."

"Hey, is Lin Wan at your house?" asked Li Yanchen, squatting down to reach the child's level.

Anan took a step back in fear and then nodded. "Yes, my mom is trying some makeup on Auntie. Uncle, can I play with brother for a while?"

"Of course," said Li Yanchen and made way for her.

Li Zexuan took the pen from Anan's hand and signed her violin. "Is there anything else?"

The little girl stood still, admiring the autograph. "Brother, I brought mom's phone with me. Can we take a photo together?" she asked. Anan's face turned red as she spoke.

Li Zexuan was speechless. 'Were the children nowadays so mature?' She already knew to ask for autographs and photos at the age of eight.

"Just one." Anan raised her index finger. "Please."

"Of course." Li Zexuan took the phone and took a photo of them.