Who Are You?

Song Jing was holding a brush. She hated Lin Wan's face.

The School Belle. This title had accompanied Lin Wan for three years. Not only was she beautiful, but her cold and aloof temperament had attracted many people, including her crush, Luo Xi.

The school hunks and straight-A students were all attracted to Lin Wan. Wherever she went, the boys did not seem to care about other girls. The number of love letters Lin Wan received was more than the homework she copied as punishment.

Lin Wan opened her eyes when she felt Song Jing's grip on the brush getting forceful.

"The skin here is a little dark. I need to focus on cleaning it," Song Jing quickly explained.

Lin Wan did not think too much about it and closed her eyes again.

[Songsong, do you have to cast a shadow on the temples to make European-styled makeup?]

[Of course, not only do you need to shadow your temples but also the sides of your nose. You must be a new fan.]