Li Zexin Is a Scum at School

"Lin Wan, I have something to tell you." Xia Mo pulled Lin Wan to the other side.

Lin Wan took out her phone and took a picture of Li Zexin begging Xiao Yi and followed Xia Mo to the backyard.

Xia Mo gave a piece of cheesecake for Lin Wan to try.

The woman who hadn't eaten breakfast felt hungry, so she started to eat with gusto.

"Does it need to be improved?" At this moment, Xia Mo was like a primary school student waiting for her teacher to praise her. Lin Wan glanced at her. She reminded her of Li Zexin, who had the same look on his face in the courtyard when he looked up at Xiao Yi.

'Xia Mo doesn't have any ulterior motives, does she?'

"Well, it's pretty good, but the core isn't very soft. Overall, it's not bad. Thank you for the cake. I have something I need to do, so I will be off now." Lin Wan smiled and picked up her phone, ready to leave.