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"Fatty, your face is round again." Li Zexin rubbed his friend's face.

Chubby Jiang shook off Li Zexin's hand. "You're so annoying. Are you coming or not?"

"No. I don't want to go," Li Zexin said without hesitation.

Big Mouth was speechless. So was Preserved Egg.

The three roommates wondered if they had heard it wrong and moved to the stool next to Li Zexin. "I heard you participated in a variety show. We couldn't watch it because we were locked up in school. It was only a week, but you have changed. Before, it was you who would help us all climb over the wall and break rules."

"You're not taking the exam? How many days are left until the end of the term?" Li Zexin mimicked the form teacher, Abbess Miejue, to perfection.

"If you get into a good high school, you can do whatever you want. The computer won't disappear, the phone won't disappear, but your youth will run out."