Turtle Soup for Blood, Oysters for Good Liver, And Sea Cucumber for Beauty

Giving Du Xing a set of clean, dry clothes and letting her leave safely was already the best he could do. Seven years ago, Du Minqiang had witnessed his brother's family getting killed in that storm. 'Doesn't his heart ever soften?'

Not even three years after her sister-in-law's death, this so-called younger sister had come to his door and hinted at inappropriate things. It was as though she was in a hurry to replace her sister's position.

Li Yanchen had suspected Du Xing's motives even when Du Zheng was still alive.

He had blocked her number several times because of the explicit messages he received. However, Du Xing always changed her number and would appear again. It was only in the past four years that he had been at peace. Now, because of that variety show, she was here again.