I Will Kick Out Anyone Who Follows Me There

After dinner, Lin Wan took out the cake she brought home last night from the refrigerator.

On the way there, he found out that Lin Wan was working at a dessert shop. Li Zexuan looked at the uniquely shaped cake. "Ms. Lin, I heard you're helping out in Ms. Xia's shop. Did you use your salary to buy the cake?"

Li Zekai lowered his eyes guiltily. "I ate it last night and thought it was delicious. I thought Auntie Xia couldn't sell it, so I asked Auntie Lin to bring it home. Did Auntie Lin buy it from her own salary?"

Li Zexuan roughly knew about the salary of ordinary workers. His manager had told him about it. Besides, Lin Wan worked only for half a day. She might not make much.

"Daddy, please reimburse her." Li Zexin sympathized with Lin Wan, too. He knew she was a lazy person, but she was trying her best to work. She had used the little she earned to buy a cake for them. It was too tragic.