It Turns Out That You're Also a White-To-Black

Li Yanchen, Lin Wan, and Su Wei were drinking their tea.

Huo Meijun was suspicious, but she couldn't show it in front of the guests. She took a few deep breaths and walked to the tea table. "Lin Wan, could I talk to you for a second?"

Lin Wan didn't know why Huo Meijun wanted to talk to her alone. She was dazed for two seconds before she got up and followed her to the garden.

The two of them chatted for a while. When they came out of the garden, Huo Meijun was all smiles. She even told Lin Wan to come and visit more often.

Su Wei could not understand why his mother was so nice to Lin Wan.

As he still had to go on a business trip in the afternoon, Li Yanchen left the Su family house with Lin Wan and the children after spending two hours with them.