Could It Be That I Constructed a Fake World?

Despite being visibly the most distressed, Huo Meijun comforted Lin Wan. "I tried clearing everything, but it's only made the situation worse. Su Wei is currently reading the news. He advised me not to respond to such news."

 "Oh. Alright." Lin Wan felt relieved.

The Lan Village crew of "We Are Also Very Ordinary" discussed Lin Wan being Xiao Huan of Sweet Little Circle. They agreed to let her do her own broadcast within the show. This was definitely a selling point. As long as the time was determined, it would be fine. The details would be decided after Lin Wan arrived.

The person in charge of the livestream team informed Lin Wan of the outcomes right away.

Li Yanchen and Lin Wan had a stroll along the river after leaving the restaurant while he sent his three sons home.