Mr. Li, Can You Be Any More Obvious?

At night, the staff led the Li family and Xiao family up the mountain. After getting everyone's approval, the cameraman followed along with his camera.

Lin Wan felt tired just looking at the journey. An hour later, they finally arrived at the Lashan Sungazing Homestay. The lobby manager took the two families to their respective suites.

The camera was set up in the living room of the suite.

[This is the Lanshan Sungazing Homestay?]

[The camera finally stopped shaking. I almost fainted.]

[This is the lobby? It doesn't look too big.]

[Didn't you hear the manager's introduction? it's not the lobby, it's the living room of the suite.]

[The light-yellow gauze curtain is still fluttering in the wind. The sofa is green. What a warm combination. Just looking at it makes me feel very calm.]